HR Game
“unravelling the infinite potentials of HRians “
Is it managing people? Is that all there is to it?? But wasn't it about Happy Relationships as well?? Well..well...well...if you are thinking in this line, you are half way here. Yes, it's about people but it's not just about people. It's about a lot more. Join us to find out the whys and the how's. should consist of 4 members.
First prize : ₹ 10,000/-
Second prize : ₹ 5,000/-
Registration fees: ₹ 400/ team
For Details Contact:
Kavya Dev
Abhiram Manoj
Thursday 27th February
Contact: Kavya Dev, 8384025195
Contact: Abhiram Manoj, 9400548480
Round 4 - 9.00 am to 1.30 pm
Round 5 - 2.30 pm to 5.45 pm